Retaining an MVP mindset

A short guide on how we tested team plans at Jenni and closed $10k in revenue.

Hypothesis statements

  • Team plans are a way to increase retention
  • Team plans move upmarket toward users with more purchasing power
  • Team plans are targeted at full-time researchers who have an ongoing product need
  • Team plans afford the potential to land and expand (e.g. trial with industry researcher which expands as more accounts are activated)

I wanted to test this without any engineering or touching production.

Tool stack

  • Framer
  • Tally
  • Zapier
  • Google Sheets
  • Stripe

Implementation Steps

  1. Created a banner on the homepage for team plans
  2. Banner CTA opens a new tab which is a Tally form
  3. Tally form asks users several questions (I want to learn what type of people are interested in team plans and why)
  4. Responses logged to a Google Sheet
  5. Zapier trigger for new Sheets entry triggers a draft email with name, org name, and team size data dynamically populated
  6. Email sent to drafts (contemplated auto sending but prefer to check over in case of messy data)
  7. Depending on the nature of the enquiry I’ll either send my link or propose invoice creation
  8. Create an invoice and email it along with a user email collection form (seeing as this is not done in-app, I need to assign the plan to each user)
  9. Manually apply access to team users


  • Logged ~100 responses with ~$10k revenue.
  • More importantly, at 100 responses we can do some pattern recognition to understand what profile of team is likely to convert (geo, size, field)
  • For those who did not convert, we started to learn what was missing.
  • Learned about pricing sensitivity and willingness to pay