
  • A quick summary




    one of the benefits of LLMs is the ability to summarize things one of the dangers of LLMs is the ability to summarize things read any AI product’s value prop and it will say a variation of “it frees you up to do higher order/ value tasks” nobody knows what these higher order things are…

  • After spending a few weeks in China, the most notable behavioural difference is the usage of mini-programs. Every restaurant has a menu mini-program sitting on top of WeChat or Meituan. Hello Ride the bike-sharing startup is a mini program on top of Alipay. Here is a diagram showing the architectural differences between the two. OS…

  • As designers, we focus on the core interaction and forget the bits and pieces around it. The stuff that some people refer to as ‘polish’. Here is a brain dump of my top easy to forget but important design stuff. defining which events should be tracked did we consider loading states, especially for users on…

  • A short guide on how we tested team plans at Jenni and closed $10k in revenue. Hypothesis statements Team plans are a way to increase retention Team plans move upmarket toward users with more purchasing power Team plans are targeted at full-time researchers who have an ongoing product need Team plans afford the potential to…

  • I’ve casually been learning some JS via Mimo and Udemy for the past couple of months. It is fun and I get some dopamine seeing a nice animation when completing a lesson on Mimo, however, it is pretty abstracted from a real environment. I learn things best under two conditions: the learning is synchronous with…

  • Michel de Montaigne, in his ‘Essays,’ recounts the story of a friend who fell sick. Despite consulting doctors and trying different treatments, nothing worked. Resigned to his fate, the friend finally gave up all treatments and stopped eating. Surprisingly, this led to an improvement in his health. This incident illustrates the concept of ‘improvement through…

  • After speaking to PM’s and designers over the holidays I was surprised to learn how scarcely prototyping is used in product development. Of my small sample size (+/- 10 people) only 1 designer regularly prototyped before sending a design ‘over the wall’ to engineers. Note: For scoping this post, ‘prototype’ will simply refer to an…

  • Annual Review 2023



    I’m writing this review sat outside of Green Tree Coffee in Dali, China. Despite the tradition of Christmas being fairly weak in China, something is deeply comforting about escaping the Singapore heat and wrapping up in several layers of clothing. Dali seems like the perfect place to slow down and reflect on a busy year.…

  • I’ve started asking people what behavior we engage in today will be seen as bizarre or possibly illegal in 100 years. The answers are intriguing so I will anonymously document them here. When duplicates are found I add the individual reasoning as a sub-point. Sex people are more distracted by easy digital entertainment (more immersive…

  • To quote Ryan Singer, author of Shape Up “every design file is destined for the trash.” To take the notion even further, all (digital) products are designed for the trash. Software is never done. For disciples of iterative development, current production software is just a prototype. App > design files Karri, co-founder of Linear (design…